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Eclipse Android Shortcut Keys


Control + Shift+ R
Open / Search for resources, e.g. files
Control + Shift + T
Open / Search for Types
Control + F8
Shortcut for switching perspectives
Control + E
Allows to select an editor from the currently open editors
Alt + or Alt +
Go to previous/ next editor position in history
Go to the declaration of this variable
Switch to previous/next editor
Control + Shift + P
Go to the matching bracket


Control + .
Open / Search for resources, e.g. files
Control+ ,
Open / Search for Types
Control+ J , Control + K
Shortcut for switching perspectives
Control + Shift+ G
Allows to select an editor from the currently open editors
F4 on a variable
Go to previous/ next editor position in history


Ctrl + Alt + Z
Wrap the select block of code into a block, e.g. try/catch.
Ctrl + Q
Go to position the cursor at the last changed position in the editor.
Ctrl + Shift + O
Show all methods of the current class, press Ctrl + O again to show the inherited methods.
Ctrl + Shift + F
Format source code
Ctrl + M
Maximize Java editor
Focuses on the editor (especially helpful if you work with Fast Views).
Ctrl + O
Show all methods of the current class, press Ctrl + O again to show the inherited methods.
Ctrl + T
Show the inheritance tree of the current Java class
Ctrl + Space
Content assist/ code completion
Ctrl + 1
Quickfix; result depending on cursor position


Ctrl + F11
Run last launched
Alt + Shift + X – J
Run current selected class as Java application


Ctrl + Left
Wrap the select block of code into a block, e.g. try/catch.
Ctrl + Right
Go to position the cursor at the last changed position in the editor.
Ctrl + Alt + Up/Down
Show all methods of the current class, press Ctrl + O again to show the inherited methods.
Alt + Up / Down
Format source code
Alt + Shift Up / Down
Maximize Java editor
Alt + Shift Up / Down / Left / Right
Focuses on the editor (especially helpful if you work with Fast Views).
Ctrl + Up / Down
Show all methods of the current class, press Ctrl + O again to show the inherited methods.


Delete previous element
Ctrl + DEL
Delete next element
Ctrl + Shift + DEL
Delete until end of line
Ctrl + D
Deletes line


Ctrl + 2, L
Assign statement to new local variable
Ctrl + 2, F
Assign statement to new field


Shift + F2
Show the Javadoc for the selected type / class / method
Alt+Shift + N + Letter
Type shortcut for the command, e.g. njc to create a new Java class or npip to create a new Plugin project
Alt + Shift +  Z
Surround block with try and catch


Alt + Shift + R
Ctrl+2, R
Rename locally (in file), faster then Alt + Shift + R
Alt + Shift + T
Opens the quick refactoring menu

Ctrl + S
Saves current editor
Ctrl + 1
Quickfix; shows potential fixes for warnings, errors or shows possible actions
Ctrl + Space
Content assist/ code completion
Ctrl + Q
Goes to the last edited position
Ctrl+ D
Deletes current line in the editor
Ctrl + Shift + O
Adjusts the imports statements in the current Java source file
Ctrl + 2, L or F
Assign statement to new local variable or field
Ctrl + Shift + T
Open Type Dialog
Ctrl + O
Shows quick outline of a class
Ctrl + F11
Run last launched application
Ctrl + 2, L or F
Shows quick outline of a class


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